Profile of Masahiro HANAZAWA

Japanese version is also available.


  • Creative problem-solver, who can see big picture while never losing sight of details that deliver results.
  • Motivated team player with demonstrated talent for deploying research and organizational skills toward analyzing, upgrading, and streamlining complex processes for improvement opportunities.
  • Enthusiastic self-starter who can boost productivity and foster efficiency.
  • Goal-driven achiever with strong organizational skills, detail orientation.
Education Aoyama Gakuin University, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Major: Electrical Engineering
March 2003
Doctor of Philosophy
March 2000
Master of Science
March 1998
Bachelor of Science

TOYOTA Central R&D Labs., Inc. (April 2007 - present - till March 2012)

National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Expert Researcher (April 2003 - March 2007)

  • Develop solutions for all aspects of lab usage.
  • Ensure safety and security in the lab.
  • Serve as key member of IT management solutions team.
Awards and Honors
  • 2005.3 Young Investigators Awards from IEICE
  • 2001.4-2003.3 JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists(DC2)
  • Teaching Assistant
  • 1998-2002 Ippan Kougaku Jikken(for sophomore)
  • 2000-2002 Denjiki-gaku Enshu(for sophomore)
  • 2000-2002 Denki Kougaku Jikken(for junior)
  • 2001 Denki Denshi Keisoku