
金属 Metal
Metallurgy has been the barometer of a civilization's technology level. Different types of metals in Fa'Diel are named after the areas where they were mined.
メノス銅 Menos Bronze フォルセナ鉄 Forsena Iron
グランス鋼鉄 Granz Steel ミスリル銀 Mythril Silver
アストリア銀 Astoria Silver バイゼル金 Vizel Gold
イシュ白金 Ishe Platinum ロリマー聖鉄 Lorimar Iron
アルテナ合金 Altena Alloy マイア鉛 Maia Lead
オリハルコン Orihalcon
木材 Wood
Trees of Fa'Diel distribute the Mana energy as air for the creatures in this world. Tools and simple buildings have been made wood since the ancient times.
かしの木 Oak Wood ひいらぎの木 Holly Wood
バオバブの木 Baobab Wood 黒檀 Ebony Wood
トネリコの木 Ashe Wood ディオールの木 Dior Wood
やどりぎ Mistletoe Wood 化石樹 Fossil Wood
石材 Stone
Stones have been used since the beginning of time as tools, decorations, and in architecture.
大理石 Marble 黒曜石 Obsidian
ペダン石 Pedan Stone ガイアの涙 Gaeus' Tears
皮革 Hide
Armor can be made from softer materials such as hide, but one should be aware of the compatibility between the material and the item.
獣の革 Animal Hide ワニ革 Crocodile Skin
鉄甲獣の革 Centaur Hide 飛竜の革 Dragon Skin
鱗 Scales
Scales of some monsters and dragons can be used to make armor and weapons. The materials used to create such items are reflected in their effects and parameters.
魚鱗 Fish Scales トカゲの鱗 Lizard Scales
ヘビの鱗 Snake Scales 竜鱗 Dragon Scales
骨 Bone
The world of Fa'Diel used bones from the monsters living there. When making armor, pay specific attention to the materials' defense levels for effective compositions.
獣の骨 Animal Bone 象牙 Ivory
呪われた骨 Cursed Bone 化石 Fossil
布 Fabric
Fabric can be used to strengthen equipment as well as being the primary material for armor. Those with mysterious patterns or colorful designs may have magical properties.
トップル木綿 Topple Cotton サルタン絹布 Sultan's Silk
ジャドヘンプ Judd Hemp アルテナフェルト Altena Felt
隕石 Aerolite
Aerolites are rocks that fall from the sky. They tend to have unusual and useful properties when used to make equipment.
ジャコビニ隕石 Jacobini Aerolite ハレー隕石 Halley Aerolite
アンク隕石 Ankh Aerolite ヴィネック隕石 Vinek Aerolite
タトル隕石 Tuttle Aerolite ネメシス隕石 Nemesis Aerolite
ビエラ隕石 Biella Aerolite スウィフト隕石 Swift Aerolite
その他 Miscellaneous
アダマンタイト Adamantite フルメタル Fullmetal
サンゴ Coral 甲羅 Tortoiseshell
貝殻 Shell エメラルド Emerald
パール Pearl ラピスラズリ Lapis Lazuli
マナストーン Mana Stone
Mana Stones contain a high concentration of Mana energy. There are Mana Stones of Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water.
火のマナストーン Mana Stone of Fire 土のマナストーン Mana Stone of Earth
風のマナストーン Mana Stone of Wind 水のマナストーン Mana Stone of Water
マナクリスタル Mana Crystal
When pure Mana energy becomes crystallized, Mana Crystals are made. Most of them glow with the energy, but some that absorb light have been found.
陽光のクリスタル Sunlight Crystal 月光のクリスタル Moonglow Crystal
輝きのクリスタル Sparkle Crystal カオスのクリスタル Chaos Crystal
コイン Coins
These coins represent the energy of each elemental spirit. Sometimes the spirits give them to mortals they favor.
ウィスプの金貨 Wisp's Gold シェイドの金貨 Shade's Gold
ドリアードの金貨 Dryad's Gold アウラの金貨 Aura's Gold
サラマンダーの金貨 Salamander's Gold ノームの金貨 Gnome's Gold
ジンの金貨 Jinn's Gold ウンディーネの金貨 Undine's Gold
ウィスプの銀貨 Wisp's Silver シェイドの銀貨 Shade's Silver
ドリアードの銀貨 Dryad's Silver アウラの銀貨 Aura's Silver
サラマンダーの銀貨 Salamander's Silver ノームの銀貨 Gnome's Silver
ジンの銀貨 Jinn's Silver ウンディーネの銀貨 Undine's Silver
種 Seeds
Each seed has a different color, and , like mixing paint, one can grow wider varieties of produce by planting two different seeds together at the same time.
まるい種 Round Seed だえんの種 Oblong Seed
ひしゃげた種 Crooked Seed おおきな種 Big Seed
ちいさな種 Small Seed ほそながい種 Long Seed
ひらたい種 Flat Seed とげとげの種 Spiny Seed
果実 Produce
The Produce that grows in the orchards varies by the seed combinations, the day of the week they were planted, and by luck. Used to feed pets and to color Golems.
すずぶどう Bellgrapes さいころいちご Diceberry
エレファントマンゴー Mangolephant シューズビワ Loquat-Shoes
ハイヒールペア Pear o'Heels イルカキューリ Dolphin Squash
イカレモン Citrisquid バネバナナ Springanana
ドッグピーチ Peach Puppy キャットアプリコット Apricat
サンタリンゴ Applesocks クジラトマト Whalamato
時計パイン Pine o'Clock フィッシュフルーツ Fishy Fruit
ウリぼうスイカ Boarmelon サイメロン Rhinoloupe
シャチナス Orcaplant クラウンガーリック Garlicrown
ハニーオニオン Honey Onion スウィートモアイ Sweet Moai
ツノガイニンジン Spiny Carrot マキガイカブ Conchurnip
ひまわりとうもろこし Cornflower アルマジロキャベツ Cabbadillo
ハリネズミレタス Needlettuce ビーダマンベリー Cherry Bombs
マスクイモ Masked Potato ユリグリンピース Lilipods
ロケットパパイヤ Rocket Papaya タコオレンジ Orange'opus
パンプキンボム Bumpkin ハートミント Heart Mint
スペードバジル Spade Basil ダイヤローレル Diamond Laurel
ゴールドクローバー Gold Clover ドッキリマッシュ Mush-in-a-Bax
小屋ダケ Toadsttolshed
肉 Meat
Meat can be acquired by defeating different types of monsters, and then it can be used along with produce to catch monster eggs.
獣肉 Animal Meat 虫肉 Bug Meat
トカゲの肉 Lizard Meat 魚肉 Fish Meat
鶏肉 Bird Meat 変な肉 Morph Meat
悪魔の肉 Demon Meat ドラゴンステーキ Dragon Steak
不思議な肉 Odd Meat 魔法の肉 Magical Meat
くさった肉 Rotten Meat
爪牙 Fangs & Claws
The most powerful parts of monsters. Fangs and claws are often used to make protective and magical items such as talismans.
鋭い爪 Sharp Claw 毒の牙 Poison Fang
巨獣の角 Giant's Horn ハサミ Scissors
いやしの爪 Healing Claw 死者の爪 Zombie Claw
吸血牙 Vampire Fang
瞳 Eyes
Some stones look like eyeballs of monsters, and they also have magical properties. Eyes are divided into groups by their appearance.
つぶらな瞳 Little Eye ねむたい瞳 Sleepy Eye
とぼけた瞳 Silly Eye あぶない瞳 Dangerous Eye
けわしい瞳 Angry Eye うつろな瞳 Blank Eye
あやしい瞳 Creepy Eye よこしまな瞳 Wicked Eye
羽根 Feathers
Usually the Aerial monsters' feathers are sold on the market, but sometimes beautiful Arthropod monsters' wings are considered useful.
天使のはね Angel Feather 漆黒のはね Raven Feather
透明のはね Clear Feather 蝶のはね Butterfly Feather
燃えさかるはね Flaming Feather 天馬のはね Pegasus Feather
酒瓶 Bottles
There are all sorts of liquids in many different bottles. Some seem to contain liquids you cannot drink, and others you couldn't even guess when they were last opened.
香油 Aroma Oil 竜の血 Dragon Blood
強酸 Acid 聖水 Holy Water
エール Ether
小瓶 Vials
Even the most unthinkable things could be sealed in these vials. There could be whispers, curses, or maybe even some stinky breath.
水銀 Mercury 臭い息 Stinky Breath
絶望のさけび Ghost's Shriek 竜の息 Dragon Breath
乙女のため息 Virgin's Sigh
壺 Urns
No one can guess what these urns contain, or what they are for. What could be inside the urns you find in this story?
電気の素 Electric Essence こけ Moss
ムギの穂 Ear of Wheat
丸薬 Pellets
Little medicine pills made of material you would not normally eat. Those that are known to be effective have a higher price tag.
ケムシの黒焼き Baked Caterpillar コウモリの黒焼き Blackened Bat
粉末 Powders
Some are mere dirt and some are blends of materials with creepy effects. Keep out of reach of children.
イオウ Sulpher 毒の粉 Poison Powder
ねむりのこな Sleepy Powder まひのこな Paralysis Powder
さびのこな Rust 墓場の土 Graveyard Dirt
袋 Pouches
These pouches could contain some really unusual and exciting items. On the other hand, the items may be quite normal and plain.
ふさふさのけだま Fluffy Hairball Needle
鏡の破片 Mirror Piece ひとふさのウール Wad of Wool
読めない巻物 Impossible Book
その他 Miscellaneous
草ムシまんじゅう Greenball Cake ヘバタのタコムシ Tako Bug